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Kindergroup Membership Required Waivers
Photo Authorization

I authorize Kindergroup to publish photos of me and/or my children and family for marketing purposes including, but not limited to, printed publications, website, and social media.

Waiver of Claims and Indemnification Agreement

I hereby waive any claims against and agree to hold harmless Southborough Kindergroup, Inc. (“Kindergroup”), and the employees, officers and directors of Kindergroup, losses, or damages of any nature sustained by me or by my minor child/children or ward(s) and arising from attendance at or enrollment in meetings, classes, or other activities of Kindergroup. I make this waiver and hold harmless agreement on behalf of myself and my minor child/children or ward(s) and in consideration of services performed or to be performed and facilities provided or to be provided by Kindergroup. I also agree to indemnify Kindergroup and their employees, officers, and directors for any loss or expense (including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, damages, or other costs) incurred by any of them as a result of any claims asserted by me, by my child/children or ward(s), or on behalf of my child/children or ward(s).

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Southborough Kindergroup

P.O. Box 3234

Fayville, MA 01745

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